More Swift – A minor refactor

In my earlier I post I talked about not being very sure that a method I wrote for one of the Stanford iOS Programming course assignments was really embracing Swift as a language. I then posted about using Swift’s unit test framework that would make any refactoring easier and better.

And so on to the refactoring…

Well, with a fresh day came a fresh eye, and there was not too much I could really do to make the method more Swift than C/C++. I ended up mainly folding some let statements into inline expressions. Not exactly hard, but when all was completed I think the code is more or less as tight as it could be and still easily readable – opinions to the contrary are very welcome.

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Using Swift’s Unit Test Framework

In an earlier blog post I wrote about my solution to one of the homework assignments for Stanford University’s iOS programming course. My conclusion was that, while the code worked, it seemed a little bit too C-like and not really embracing some of the elegance of the Swift programming language.

My intention is to rewrite the code and see if I can get it looking somewhat more Swifty. But of course in doing that I don’t want to break it – there’s a lot of different cases the CalculatorBrain has to handle. This is a classic scenario that can be solved using automated unit testing.

When you create a new application project in XCode, as well as the main build target you get given a test target with boilerplate code for using XCode’s unit testing framework. It is simple to use – just add new functions to the test class, and use XCTAsserts to ensure the right results.

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Programming in Swift – perhaps badly

I have been periodically dabbling in learning Apple’s relatively new Swift programming language. Despite many years of experience in a number of languages including C, C++, C# and Objective-C – yep, that’s a lot of C’s! – my primary reasons for wanting to learn Swift is mental exercise and general interest. My day job these days involves very little programming, but I still consider myself a software developer at heart despite moving heavily into the management side of things. So it is good to keep current and familiar with later technologies. And a further reason for choosing Swift is my interest in developing mobile applications, and Swift looks to be the future of iOS development.

My primary source for learning has been the excellent free Stanford University course CS193P: Developing iOS Apps with Swift, presented by the hugely engaging Paul Hegarty. This course is available for free via iTunesU as a series of videos, slides, and practical exercises. I cannot recommend it enough.

This article is about the homework task of extending the Calculator demo: specifically adding a recursive description method to the CalculatorBrain object to present a readable and mathematically correct text description of the contents of the calculator’s operation stack.

The code snippet below is my implementation. The public getter for the description property contains a loop to solve the formatted output of multiple separate expressions, each comma separated, and is pretty straightforward:


    var description: String {
        get {
            var descriptionText = ""
            var (desc,remainingOps) = formatDescription(opStack)
            descriptionText = desc!
            while remainingOps.count > 0 {
                // Comma separate any following complete expressions
                let (desc1,remainingOps1) = formatDescription(remainingOps)
                if desc1 != nil {
                    descriptionText = desc1! + "," + descriptionText
                remainingOps = remainingOps1
            return descriptionText

The guts of the solution is in the recursive formatDescription method. It works for the test cases mentioned in the assignment, for example, an operation stack entered in this order:

3 <enter> 5 <enter> 4 + +

gets displayed as:


It also handles error conditions such as missing operands being displayed as “?”. So it works.

    // Recursive function to format description string
    private func formatDescription(ops: [Op]) -> (desc: String?, remainingOps: [Op]) {
        if !ops.isEmpty {
            var remainingOps = ops
            let op = remainingOps.removeLast()
            switch op {
            case .Operand(let operand):
                return ("\(operand)", remainingOps)
            case .UnaryOperation(let operation,_):
                let (op1Text, remainingOps1) = formatDescription(remainingOps)
                let op1ActualText = op1Text ?? "?"
                let returnText = "\(operation)(\(op1ActualText))"
                return (returnText, remainingOps1)
            case .BinaryOperation(let operation,_):
                let (op1Text, remainingOps1) = formatDescription(remainingOps)
                let (op2Text, remainingOps2) = formatDescription(remainingOps1)
                let op1TextActual = op1Text ?? "?"
                let op2TextActual = op2Text ?? "?"
                let returnText = "\(op2TextActual) \(operation) \(op1TextActual)"
                return (returnText, remainingOps2)
            case .Variable(let variable):
                return (variable, remainingOps)
            case .Constant(let constant):
                return (constant, remainingOps)
        return (nil, ops)

This brings me to the point of this blog post – I think I’m missing something. The formatDescription method does not feel very elegant. Swift has a fantastic type inference engine, and features like optional chaining, which I feel my solution does not take advantage of. You could say it is a little too C or C++ like. All those “let” statements seem overkill.

What do you think? Is there a better more elegant solution?

AppInventor – Preserving Button State When Switching Screens

This is the third tutorial note to be published from a collection I created in support of a schools IT programme. It covers preserving state between screens, refactoring of code, and passing of values between screens. It is rather a long article as it goes into some detail.

As a reminder, the notes here address one or more specific problems that the students had while writing their own application.

Problem Statement

The app has some buttons to represent a Tic-Tac-Toe game – each button in a 3×3 array can show nothing, a X or a 0. Each tap of the button changes the state to the next one. (This game is also known as Noughts and Crosses.)

It looks something like this:


The problem to solve is that the app needs to remember the state of the buttons when switching to a different screen and then coming back.

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